Specialized Dog Training

Please note: Tuition maybe transferable, but is not refundable.

Therapy Dog Foundations – 4 Week Course

Have you ever thought your dog would be a great Therapy dog, but don’t know where to begin?  Join us for this brand-new class!  Therapy Dog Foundations!  This 4-week class will provide you with information and foundations for skills that you would want/need to do Therapy work.


Basics Obedience or higher class with Pup-A-Razzi, if you have taken classes elsewhere, you can schedule a private lesson with Dezi or Lucas to get the info needed to be able to join the class.


Beyond the Basics 2 – 6 week course.

 This is an advanced training class.

Pre Req’s = Must have taken our Beyond the Basics class.  Must be other dog friendly, we will be doing some off leash training.


Most exercises in this class will be done “on the flat” with minimal equipment required.  Instructor can help you obtain equipment if desired, but suggestions for household substitutions will also be given.

Calm & Control

This class will help dogs learn how to relax and focus in over-stimulating or stressful situations. Dogs who are easily distracted, reactive or are not able to comfortably work around other dogs should attend. Pet dog owners will also benefit by learning better communication methods and skills to help your dog succeed in everyday life. Eligibility: Basic obedience skills. 


Calm & Control Classes

Class Information:

  • Class sessions are one hour per week for six weeks unless noted.
  • This is a popular class and usually has a wait list. To insure your spot in the class, we have had to institute a new policy for Calm and Control classes.
  • Tuition must be paid 7 days in advance of the first class meeting in order to hold a place in this class.
  • Approximate class size: 6-7

Tuition must be paid 7 days in advance of the first class meeting in order to hold a place in this class.

Who needs Calm & Control Class?

  • Dogs that are uncomfortable or unable to work around other dogs
  • Dog that are easily distracted and have difficulty concentrating
  • Dogs that are reactive or easily aroused
  • Dogs that are anxious or stressed and shut down
  • Dog that are unable to control their impulses when excited

Who should NOT attend Calm & Control Class?

  • Aggressive dogs
  • Dogs with a bite histories (have used biting as a successful method of achieving a desired affect)

Note: Students participating in class should be serious about practicing at home with your dog between classes to get the most out of your class experience (a minimum of four, 15-minute long sessions each week between class is recommended).

Dog Tricks

Have a super-talented pooch who yearns to learn? Does he need a star on his door? Teaching tricks is fun, great mental exercise and a great way to use that extra energy. This class is devoted to learning new tricks and teaching games to your dog to improve their behavior and strengthen your relationship. And it is fun for both owners and dogs! Eligibility: Any Pup-A-Razzi class. Classes include: Tricks I & II.


Dog Tricks Classes

Dog Tricks classes consist of six sessions, one hour per week. Tricks I includes basic training methods and foundation tricks including: Sit Pretty, Bow, Paw/Shake, Bang, Roll Over, Circle/Round, Spin/Twist/Dance, Carry, Paw Target, Nose Target, and Crawl.

Tricks II (Advanced Tricks) builds from the foundation set in Tricks I. This is a great class for those interested in dabbling in theater, commercials, TV or movies…or just to wow your friends and neighbors! 

Class Information:

  • Class sessions are one hour per week for six weeks unless noted.
  • Class size is approximately 6-8
  • Eligibility: Training Basics or Puppy Preschool class & 6 months.

Aug 17th Class – No class on 8/31 for Labor Day Weekend

Tricks II Class Times

Trick Dog Testing


Total Recall – 4 week Course

This training class is designed to improve your dog’s recall skills. We explore the reasons your dog might choose to ignore you/not come when called. You will get multiple methods to fix this issue. Ideal for dogs needing work on recall as well as those interested in hunting, agility, obedience, or other sports.
This class runs four weeks, one hour per week.


Total Recall Classes

Class Information:

  • Class sessions are one hour per week for four weeks unless noted.
  • Class size is approximately 6-8

Aug 17th Class – No class on 8/31 for Labor Day Weekend

Walk THIS Way – 4 Week Course

This four-session, one-hour focused lesson is devoted to teaching your dog how to walk on a loose leash using fun exercises and practical tips. It is also a great class for owners who want to train good on-leash behavior to puppies. 


Walk THIS Way Classes

Class Information:

  • Class sessions are one hour per week for four weeks unless noted.
  • Class size is approximately 6-8

Aug 17th Class – No class on 8/31 for Labor Day Weekend


K9 Musical Freestyle

What is it?  The short answer is that it is Obedience/Trick cues set to music!  It is a lot of fun and you don’t need to know anything to get started.  This class is for beginners.

Pre-Requisites: Basic obedience class.