Basic Dog Training & Puppy Training Classes

Puppy Preschool | AKC S.T.A.R. | Beyond the Basics | Training Basics | Canine Good Citizen Prep | Canine Good Citizen Test

Please note: Tuition maybe transferable, but is not refundable.

Puppy Training & Puppy Socialization: Puppy Preschool  7 Week Course

The goal of this fun introductory puppy training course is to both socialize your puppy and show you the proper positive-reinforcement training techniques to ensure a confident, nicely mannered puppy. We will cover sit, down, stay, walking on a loose leash and recall (coming when called). You will quickly see your efforts are worthwhile. Regular Puppy Preschool classes are for breeds of any size.

Puppy Preschool Classes

Class Information:

  • Class session are one hour per week for seven weeks.
  • For week 1, class is held without dogs. We will cover: how to use a clicker or marker word, how to use a food lure, and provide lots of problem solving for typical puppy/new dog problem areas.
  • AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy class attendees must attend all six classes in order to receive the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy title.
  • Class size is approximately 8.
  • Eligibility: Puppies no older than 6 months at the time of the first class.

Puppy Preschool Class Times

If your puppy has already take a Puppy Training & Socialization class and is looking for the next step, look at AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Class, Puppy Agility, Beyond the Basics, Canine Good Citizens, Control Unleashed, or Dog Tricks.

AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Class!  7 Weeks Course

The S.T.A.R. Puppy class is a perfect next class after Puppy Preschool. You and your puppy can earn an AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy certificate by completing  six classes and all behaviors. This class is designed to prepare puppies to move into the Canine Good Citizen Prep Class and give your dog the right skills to be a well-behaved puppy. Any puppy under 12 months can attend.

20 STEPS To Success: The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Test

Socialization, Training, Activity, Responsibility


  1. Maintains puppy’s health (vaccines, exams, appears healthy)
  2. Owner receives Responsible Dog Owner’s Pledge
  3. Owner describes adequate daily play and exercise plan
  4. Owner and puppy attend all 6 classes by an AKC Approved CGC Evaluator
  5. Owner brings bags to classes for cleaning up after puppy
  6. Owner has obtained some form of ID for puppy. (collar tag, etc.)
  7. Free of aggression toward people during all 6 weeks of class
  8. Free of aggression toward other puppies in class
  9. Tolerates collar or body harness of owner’s choice
  10. Owner can hug or hold puppy (depending on size)
  11. Puppy allows owner to take away a treat or toy
  12. Allows (in any position) petting by a person other than the owner
  13. Grooming-Allows owner handling and brief exam (ears, feet)
  14. Walks on a Leash-Follows owner on lead in a straight line (15 steps)
  15. Walks by other people-Walks on leash past other people 5-ft away
  16. Sits on command-Owner may use a food lure
  17. Down on command-Owner may use a food lure
  18. Comes to owner from 5-ft when name is called
  19. Reaction to Distractions-distractions are presented 15-ft away
  20. Stay on leash with another person (owner walks 10 steps and returns)

AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Training Class

Class Information:

  • Class sessions are one hour per week for seven weeks unless noted. Dogs do NOT attend the 1st class, humans only.
  • All seven classes must be attended to earn the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Certificate.
  • Class size is approximately 6-8
  • Eligibility: Must be friendly with other dogs.

Training Basics  7 Week course

This dog training class focuses on giving you the basics to train your dog through positive reinforcement. Focus is on teaching basic dog obedience commands such as sit, down, stay (sit and down), recall or “come”, loose-leash walking, waiting at the door, off, and “leave-it” utilizing treats and praise to help the dogs learn in the fastest and most positive way. If you and your pet attend classes and practice 15 minutes per day at home, your dog should be proficient at basic commands within six weeks.

The methods used in this class include the use of treats, praise and fun to help the dogs (and owners) learn in the fastest and most positive way possible. Mild corrections are used, but most students have their dogs on regular buckle collars. If there is a better management tool for your particular situation, we will suggest it.

Class sizes are small, and folks really get to know each other and their dogs in our friendly, indoor dog training school. Classes are open to dogs of any size.

Training Basics

Class Information:

  • Class sessions are one hour per week for seven weeks.

  • For week 1 class is held without dogs. We will cover things like: how to use a clicker or marker word, how to use a food lure, and provide lots of problem solving for  typical puppy/new dog problem areas.
  • Class size is approximately 7
  • Eligibility: Any dog over 5 months old.

Training Basics Class Times

If your dog has already taken our Training Basics class and is looking for the next step, look at Agility, Beyond the Basics, Canine Good Citizens, Control Unleashed, or Dog Tricks.

Beyond the Basics

Class Information:

  • Class sessions are one hour per week for six weeks unless noted.
  • Class size is approximately 6-8
  • Eligibility: Dogs over 12 months of age.
  • Prerequisites: Training Basics group class, friendly with other dogs & people. Reliable Sit & Down, Stay foundations and Loose Leash Walking Foundations (See Walk THIS Way if you don’t yet have the foundations for Loose Leash Walking)

Beyond the Basics  6 Week Course

Are you and your dog or puppy looking forward to having more fun together? Do you need to brush up on some of the skills you learned in your basic dog training class? A dog with training and manners is easier and more fun to take out and about. This six-week class is for dogs who have taken Training Basics or  & Socialization (or a similar group class) in the past.

This dog training class, challenges you and your dog to think outside-the-box, using skills previously learned and then continue to improve upon them. Students will improve basic behaviors learned in Puppy Training & Socialization or Training Basics classes, striving for more reliability and consistency. Students will strive for more reliable sits and downs, more difficult stays, consistent loose leash walking and faster, more focused recalls. We will also be covering some new useful behaviors and providing continued socialization opportunities. Socialization will take place on leash, so this class is NOT appropriate for dogs who cannot interact with other dogs and humans safely.

For a more structured advanced obedience class, check out our Canine Good Citizen Prep Class.

Class Information:

  • Class sessions are one hour per week for six weeks unless noted.
  • Class size is approximately 6-8
  • Eligibility: Dogs over 12 months of age.
  • Prerequisites:  Training Basics group class, friendly with other dogs & people. Reliable Sit & Down, Stay foundations and Loose Leash Walking Foundations (See Walk THIS Way if you don’t yet have the foundations for Loose Leash Walking)

Beyond the Basics Class Times

  • Tuesday 10/22/2024 06:15 PM ***FULL***
  • Instructor: Kylie

 See our “Specialized Training” page for our New Beyond the Basics 2 class

Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Prep Class  6 Week Course

The advanced dog training techniques in this six-week class include the every-day good manners we all want our dogs to have. We cover all the areas of good behavior covered in the Canine Good Citizen test offered by the American Kennel Club (AKC). This is the third class in our basic dog training section. Any dog, purebred or All-American, can earn a CGC certificate! The exercises included in this test are wonderful manners which will work well in every day life. For example, your dog should stay quietly by your side while you hold a conversation with another person. (This means he will not jump up!) Sounds great, right?

Canine Good Citizen Prep Classes

Class Information:

  • Class sessions are one hour per week for six weeks unless noted.
  • Class size is approximately 6-8
  • Eligibility: Training Basics or instructor approval, and friendly with other dogs & people.

Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test

Pup-A-Razzi offers Canine Good Citizen testing and certification.

Canine Good Citizen Test

Test Cost:  $15 per dog

  • Pre-registration is required. Test limited to 10 dogs.

For more information on the specifics of the test, please feel free to visit the AKC website at

“I feel so encouraged and confident that the techniques you
taught me will be successful. Thank you for your 1great enthusiasm
and patience in teaching Ella and myself. I really appreciate all
that you shared & taught. I realize now that I should have taken
notes, because you gave me so much information. You are a wonderful
trainer! Thanks again.”

–Linda & Ella

To reserve a spot for the upcoming test, please use the dog training class sign-up form, or select the link below.

Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA) Prep Class  6 Week Course

This is the advanced (second level) for CGC.  This class/test includes: Leave it, off leash recall, Stand, Sit or Down while owner fills out paperwork, Loose Leash Walking though crowds and with distractions, Sit Stay with other dogs & walking through doorways.


Canine Good Citizen Urban (CGCU) Prep Class 6 Week Course

This is the Urban (third level) for CGC.  This class/Test includes Enter & Exit doorways, Walking through a crowd, Reaction to city distractions, Stopping at corners, wait to cross & crossing the street. Ignoring food on sidewalk, friendly stranger, walking stairs and more.

Please note:  Class fees are non-refundable.  Classes are to be attended as scheduled.